
Wednesday 9 February 2022

We wrestle not against flesh.

There are two spiritual kingdoms in existence. The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. The Kingdom of God has Him on the throne. He has His messengers, the angels and the spirits. The Kingdom of God is eternal. It has no beginning or end. It existed in the beginning of all things. It has been in existence since time immemorial. It is founded on the mercies and love of God as Creator and sustainer. it is the supreme kingdom, meaning it is way above the kingdom of darkness. The two kingdoms are in contrast, and incomparable.

The kingdom of darkness began when lucifer, Satan, disrespected God and desired to sit on His glorious throne. God lamented that lucifer had fallen from His grace, and had to remove him from His Kingdom. That marked the beginning of the kingdom of darkness. Satan fell with a third of the angels and spirits that he had convinced to rebel against God the Creator. So the kingdom of darkness was established, with knowledge of the above and powers, and it has been working against the Kingdom of God since then. Despite causing havoc on earth against God's people since its beginning, the kingdom of darkness has never defeated the Kingdom of God. 

There are scriptural evidences of the two kingdoms locking horns but I want to bring to your attention just one scripture that pictures this out. During the times of Daniel in the Old Testament, Daniel dreamt of a statue made of 4 elements, whose interpretation was four successive kingdoms that would begin with the Nebuchadnezzar's reign and after the fourth, God would establish a fifth Kingdom that would be everlasting.  So Daniel fasted for 21 days repented the sins of the people and drawing closer to to God. It was on the 21st day that Angel Gabriel appeared to him. The angel told Daniel that God had heard his prayers the moment he started fasting and praying but the angel was prevented from reaching Daniel by the prince of Persia. The prince of Persia was the demon that controlled Persia, the region where Daniel live! Principalities!!!!!!!! Oh God's people keep praying!!!!!

Angel Gabriel told Daniel that God sent Arch Angel Michael on that day and helped him to keep the prince at bay, and that's how he managed to reach Daniel to bring him the answers of his prayers! The angel, after encountering Daniel, told Daniel that he has returned to continue fighting the prince till victory is achieved! From this scripture, you can see two kingdoms fighting. AND it is evident that God's kingdom reigns over the kingdom of darkness! How privileged we are to have a Supreme God whose Authority extends everywhere, authority that defeats demons and their agents. The authority of the kingdom of darkness cannot defeat us if we let God fight for us🙏. He has never been defeated. Those He leads have never and will never be defeated!!!!

A blessing for each one of us

  God created each one of us in such a way that each person has their own portion of blessings. We don't need to strife over any physica...