
Monday 14 March 2022

Spiritual Watchmen.

 In the kingdom of God, we are appointed as spiritual watchmen to sit at the gates of our areas of spiritual jurisdiction & to call on the Name of the LORD in these places where we have been positioned. These include the gates of our families, workplaces, churches, countries etc.During the month of Adar, deliverance did not just come to the Jews when they were at the brink of destruction. Mordecai & queen Esther(who had replaced Vashti by God's favour)successfully carried out their watchman roles through fasting and praying for that deliverance.

Though physically Esther was a queen she humbled herself & took up her role as a watchman for the sake of her people. After their 3 day fast with Mordecai & all the Jews, queen Esther went ahead & combined her faith with appropriate action. She requested to see the king which was an unlawful gesture & her request was granted. This is how the king got to know Haman's wicked plot against the Jews & nullified the decree made to save them.
If Esther & Mordecai had slept on their job as spiritual watchmen, all the Jews would have perished. Esther knew as stated by her uncle Mordecai that she had been positioned in the Kings palace at such a time to be used by God to deliver her people. Deliverance from long or short suffering does not just come in the month of Adar or any other time. A spiritual watchman has to arise & call on the LORD until HE delivers. Whenever people succumb to any danger, it is because a watchman somewhere slept on their job. Spiritual watchmen are those who take charge in a place & pray. God then sends HIS angels & they guard the place day & night & minister for God's people in all ways. In a country like ours, the physical watchmen such as police are alert only when we, the spiritual watchmen are praying.
This month of Adar & every other time, may we not sleep on our job as watchmen where we have been positioned. Let's rise, pray & even fast when need arises. Let's be alert like Mordecai who as a gatekeeper saved King Xerxes from a possible assasination. Let us not be the kind of Christians who always believe in somebody else praying & even fasting for them to breakthrough. The entire nation of Israel was preserved from execution because Mordecai & Esther stood as spiritual watchmen. Let us also combine our prayers & fasting with appropriate action because faith without works is dead. Our faith is always perfected by doing appropriate works.

A blessing for each one of us

  God created each one of us in such a way that each person has their own portion of blessings. We don't need to strife over any physica...