
Sunday 20 February 2022

The Original Plan of God.

 In the beginning there was the Word, the Word was with God and was truly God. God is self existent. He was, is and is to come. He was in the past, is in the present, and is in the future. God existed before creation. He is the creator of heaven, earth and everything in the two dimensions.

God created the heavenly realm. Among the heavenly created was satan. Satan was referred to as Lucifer. He was put in charge of priesthood in heaven and governance on earth, long before man was created. He led worship in heaven, and governed earth. It is his priesthood that enabled him to bring influence on earth and everyone obeyed him. The grace that he carried made everything work in his favour, and everything was in order. He held the two roles until iniquity was found in him. He rebelled against God, and was thus relieved of his duties and cast out. His rebellion was in the sense that he wanted to be like God and share in His glory. God will never share His glory with anyone in whichever realm. It is His and His alone.

When Lucifer was cast out of heaven, he came to earth without the grace he had as a result of priesthood. He brought disorder on earth, and with the angels he was cast out with, they started working against the kingdom of God. God reconsidered His plan for the earth and set out to restore earth to its glory. He therefore downloaded Eden Garden from the heavenly system and created Adam, a man of His likenness and image to cultivate the land and have dominion over the earth, restoring its to the original glory of God. Eden had everything man needed. So man was put in place of Lucifer to do what Lucifer could not do as a result of iniquities.

Lucifer devised a plan to cause man to rebel against God. Satan visited man in form of snake and convinced Adam, the first creation, to rebel against God. When Adam ate the fruit that God had warned him not to eat, God mourned about Adam falling from His grace. He cast out Adam from the garden of Eden, and caused enemity between the children of man and of the snake. He cursed the soil that man would have to sweat to eat from it.

Satan and his angels continued their works against the kingdom of God. For the love that God had for His creation on earth, He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to redeem humanity from sin and death that was brought about by the iniquity of rebellion. It is through the pain and the blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross that those who believe in Him shall live eternally with Him. 

A blessing for each one of us

  God created each one of us in such a way that each person has their own portion of blessings. We don't need to strife over any physica...