
Monday 18 April 2022

A blessing for each one of us

 God created each one of us in such a way that each person has their own portion of blessings. We don't need to strife over any physical or spiritual blessing. I hear people make it look like God has lined us up to bless us one by one. When one person's blessing manifests people are encouraged that they are the next. God is certainly not unable to cause all our blessings to manifest at the same time but because HE has wired us differently, this manifestation happens at different times & in different ways. God is not is not a human being so HE is not limited by anything or anyone. In Genesis 26 as we saw yesterday, the phillistines really felt threatened when Isaac got so blessed. Their herdsmen kept stiving with Isaacs herdsmen but they could not prevail. They also kept trying to block these blessings by clogging his wells with soil. But the man kept redigging his father's wells and digging new ones until they were unable to stop him. The bible says that he waxed great.

A well symbolizes a means of sustenance. It symbolizes life because it contains water. That is why one of the greatest inheritance that Abraham left to his decendant Isaac was the wells of water. Have your "wells of water" been clogged with soil by those who stive with you? Redig them in prayer. Have people been striving with your over your own God given blessings(your business/job etc? Don't give up. Destroy the spirit of stife & envy in prayer & redig the wells that God gave you. Isaac kept digging new wells until he eventually dug one and named it Rehoboth because no one stived over it. May the Lord give you a Rehoboth well in JESUS Name.

A blessing for each one of us

  God created each one of us in such a way that each person has their own portion of blessings. We don't need to strife over any physica...