
Monday 18 April 2022

Be happy for the blessings of others

 Every time someone else is blessed, I thank God for them. This is an attitude that I intentionally adapted to overcome envy, jealousy & ungodly competition because i know my own blessings are with God. I refuse to make a covenant with those worldly & wicked spirits. One Kikuyu singer sang a song that says "Irathimo ciakwa, winacio, Kiria ndiririirie winakio, ndi mwana waku na nii ni njui, irathimo winacio ciakwa"...In this song, the singer was simply telling God" I know You Are The One Who has all my blessings & everything that i desire for i am Your child."

The sufferings & pain that many times people go through before they experience their blessing is part of the reason no one should covet another person's blessing. Personally I would not want even an inch of somebody else's blessing..... no matter how appealing the blessing is. Every one of us has a portion of God's blessings according to HIS purpose for our lives. Why desire/covet other people's blessings? What if you miss what God has ordained for you while coveting what HE has ordained for others??
Many are the times I have personally gone through either a long waiting period or alot of suffering and pain before I see my blessings manifested. Recently I was working with a lady as we were administering the exams & the Holy Spirit kept quickening me to tell her testimonies of great things that God has done for me over the years. After every testimony, while she was still awed, I would carefully explain to her what pain & suffering i went through before God blessed me with whatever I had just revealed to her.
Friend, after we suffer for a little while, God comes & glorifies us by establishing us in His ordained blessings..1 Peter 5:10 says...."But may the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you."
Truly the sufferings we go through can never be compared to the glory that The LORD reveals in us. Halleluyah!

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A blessing for each one of us

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