
Thursday 27 January 2022

The Nature of God.

God is supreme. God is transcendent. He is beyond human understanding. He is Alpha Omega. He reveals Himself to anyone that He chooses to. His love is unconditional. His mercies are as great as His majesty. He walks in ultimate power and might. The holy word of God, the bible, teaches us of when the Philistines had seized the covenant box and placed it where they used to store their idols, Dagon. Dagon fell and broke into pieces, and they literally confessed that God of Israel is the true God.

God Almighty is jealous; He does not share His glory with anyone else. It is His. He alone is to be praised and worshipped. He is always ready to destroy idols and idolatry. His anger and wrath can wipe out a whole generation. The story of Elijah and the Baal prophets is a good example. He provided divine fire for Elijah’s sacrifice to demonstrate that He is Yahweh. He answered Elijah’s request of fire instantly because His majesty and presence was being undermined and treated in contempt by the idol worshippers.

God Almighty is compassionate and gracious. He advances men and gives victory to whoever He chooses. He chooses and anoints those that He wants to glorify Himself through. He gives unmerited favor to them, making everything work for the good of them. The biblical exodus story is a perfect example. God executed many nations for the love He had for the Israelites. A lot of blood was shed in their favor. Kingdoms were conquered.

God’s presence and power are to be trusted. His love and mercies are beyond human understanding.

A blessing for each one of us

  God created each one of us in such a way that each person has their own portion of blessings. We don't need to strife over any physica...