
Monday 18 April 2022

The Easter.

 There has been some controversy about the name Easter and its pagan origin yet God has not called us to disputes and contoversies. Let me remind you & bring to light this matter yet again. The bible says teachers will be judged more harshly & i refuse to be on the recieving end on the day of judgement.This week we have seen that in the month of Abib/Aviv/ Nisan in the hebrew calendar, God sent the angel of death to kill all Egyptian firstborns. When he got to the israelite houses, he passed over, because he saw the blood of the passover lamb on their doors. A 1 month old lamb without blemish was slaughtered- representing the sinless Son of God- Jesus Christ who was to later be slain for our sins. JESUS is therefore referred to as our PASSOVER LAMB not our easter lamb.

Passover festivals happened at the beginning of spring. People used to celebrate the change of seasons from the cold winter to warm spring. At around the same time Ishtar, a Mesopotamian goddess of love, sex, fertility & war used to be celebrated by the non- christians(pagans). When the early Christians began celebrating passover around this time, it looked like there was a clash between their celebrations and those of the godess Ishtar. To avoid controversies & to easily win over the pagans, they called the passover celebrations Easter which means Ishtar. Of course the devil uses this as an opportunity to accuse Christians, to belittle the passover & to influence non-christians to over indulge in alcohol, sex and other things that used to be done by pagans to celebrate their goddess Ishtar.
What should we do then? We should sanctify the name Easter with the Blood of JESUS & deny the devil any opportunity to accuse us. The bible says the earth is the LORDs & everything & everyone in it. The devil has no day, date, season, time etc. Everything belongs to our God. We continue to celebrate this passover season with no apology to the devil or his agents. For me i call it Passover but i have no problem with those who call it Easter. This season belongs to our God.The most important thing this passover is to abandon anything that doesn't glorify God & to genuinely return to God. What matters this Passover season is to remember & to celebrate JESUS Who Is Our Passover Lamb because HE was slain for us but rose on the 3rd day & is alive forever more!

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