
Wednesday 16 February 2022

It is our obligation to obey the Commandments.

Jesus said something very simple yet very challenging in John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commandments" Our love for God should always be accompanied by appropriate actions. Even in our daily living, we cannot claim to love our fellow human beings without accompanying it with appropriate actions. How much more our love for God? King David was a perfect example in the bible of a God lover. He is described as a man after God's own heart. A man who sought after HIM passionately. A man who despite his failures tried his best to do God's will. A man who had a passion for spiritual things.

The fact that many Psalms were written by David is one of the evidences that he loved God and had a passion to do HIS will. The difference between David and King Saul his predecessor is that Saul was self-willed but David always desired to do God's will. When Israel went into war with the Philistines, Samuel the prophet was supposed to come and offer a sacrifice to God but He delayed for 7 days. Saul decided to do it himself yet he knew that only priests were allowed to offer sacrifices to God. By so doing he violated God's commandment & for that reason God rejected him and chose David, a last born son in Jesse's household, a shepherd boy who seemed inexperienced. God did not look at his outward appearance but at his heart.

Friends, when God looks at our hearts what does HE see? Does HE see a man/woman after HIS heart or a self-willed person who only seeks after his own desires? Can we wait for God to come & bless us in HIS own time especially when HE seems to delay? Can we go before God and just worship HIM without reminding HIM that we are jobless or in dire need of a physical blessing? Can we make a complete thanksgiving prayer without asking God to bless us with something?

I pray for us today in JESUS' Name that God fills our hearts with the spirit of love for HIM-a passionate undefiled love that is always accompanied by appropriate actions as a demonstration that we are the people after God's own heart. Regardless of our circumstances & physical appearances, I declare that our hearts will be for God, full of the desire to do HIS will. So shall it be in JESUS Name.

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