
Monday 18 April 2022

Palm Sunday

 What is palm Sunday all about? This is the 1st day of the passover week when Jesus Christ made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It happened the day after HE raised Lazarus from the dead & became very "popular" in the minds of the people who heard of it. So they decided to celebrate HIM as a potential political leader who would overthrow the cruel Romans & save them.They took palm branches and spread garments on the road & sang prophetically according to our today's scripture. "Hossana" means "save now". By then JESUS had sent for a young donkey to ride on because HE knew that the prophesy of Zechariah according to JOHN12:15 was being fulfilled.

In LEVITICUS 23:40 God had commanded Moses that when they come into the land of Canaan, people should take palm branches & rejoice before God for 7 days-to celebrate the passover week & their entry into the promised land.Many people carry palm branches on Palm Sunday without knowing that they symbolize victory/ triumph over death by JESUS giving us eternal life, peace & joy. JESUS knew all this even as they celebrated HIM with their wrong reasons.
Friends, today marks a very special season-the passover season. I pray for anyone who has been experiencing trouble, that this passover season you will enter into complete rest from all the troubles you have experienced. In ancient Greek a victorious athlete was awarded a palm branch. In Exodus 15:27 after the Marah experience of bitter water, Israel came to Elim where there were 70 palm trees, symbolising complete rest. Palm trees are evergreen tall trees but have many scars on the trunk. Don't worry about the scars in your heart because you are coming out victorious, tall and evergreen. Be hopeful in God. JOHN 12:15 says Don't be afraid daughter of Zion. Behold, your King comes sitting on a colt" This was prophesied by Zechariah. Friends, today, take The Word from the LORD seriously. Behold your king, Jesus Christ comes to give you rest!

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